Patient Forms

Patient Forms for ONE® Brain & Spine Center®

Thank you for chooing ONE® Brain & Spine Center®! To improve our services and communication with our patients, we have gone digital/paperless with our forms through our Patient Portal. Our secure portal allows you to access your personal health record and to communicate with members of your care team.
Using our patient portal, you are able to:

  • Request appointments
  • Send messages to your care team
  • View lab and imaging results
  • View your last statement
  • View and request referrals
  • Update your information

How to Access the Patient Portal

ONE® Brain & Spine Center®, leading brain and spine center in Southern California, will require you to provide a personal email address and an identification card to create your account. You will be sent an email with access information and instruction to our secure portal using your username and password.
If you have any questions or issues accessing your account, you can call us at (949) 383-4190. For emergencies, please call 911.
Patient Portal  ➲